Anyone that knows me personally probably read that title and snickered. Yes I have a problem! But admitting it is the first step to a recovery.
I thought that moving into our own home would fix the problem, well we have been in our home for over 6 months and it has not solved the problem.
This month I am not scheduled for nearly as many hours at work. I am a casual clerk at the foothills hospital and with the summer coming to a close there aren't nearly as many people going on vacations!
Which has given me the opportunity to be a little productive. In the last few days I have made 4 loafs of bread, 4 dozen cookies, Soft pretzels, a huge batch of french onion soup (From scratch) and some Gouda Mac& Cheese that I've put into the freezer for a rainy day. ( I will post photos and my recipes later this week)
Anyway.. I've been thinking for the past few months that there is one thing i can do to help me become less messy and that is... MINIMALIZE!
That is a very scary word for me... not because i am attached to my stuff, just kidding, i really am attached to everything. Its not that I use everything (obviously or it wouldn't be all over my floor). Its that when I am going through things I can think back to the moment I bought them or received them as gifts and I am to dang sentimental!
So here is my plan for day 1. I intend to downsize some things that I feel least attached to. Starting with... My Mugs.
Crazy right? There are two of us, We don't even drink coffee and we have a cupboard FULL of MUGS! So that is step 1, To keep only the most special and beautiful mugs. So I apologize if I ever have 20+ people over who all want tea or hot chocolate at the same time.. You'll be drinking out of plastic cups!
Here is the before, Mugs stacked upon one another
So i took them all out and there were 15
I put 4 back into the cupcoard and had a long argument with myself about mug 5 & 6. Do I really need them? no. But I wasn't ready to let go. ( They're the ones that go with our other dishes. There was 4 i only kept 2)
Final product... I was able to fit some more dishes here and ultimately make more space!
Day 1 task complete... now for day 2!