Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Christmas is here!!

It wasn't until recently that I have started to adore Christmas season, egg nog, Christmas baking, music and family. I absolutely love it!
The last couple of weeks has been stuff hitting the fan. Wedding, emergency move in, family emergency, mortgage issues... needless to say its been difficult for us to get in the Christmas mood.
Something magical has happened in my life though! For the last few year I have been teaching beginner riding lessons to my friends and family and some acquaintances who are looking to learn the art of equestrianism. Of course being as horse crazy as I am I have always wanted to do this as a long term career but to be honest there are a lot of things working against the idea. If you don't have your own facility, especially indoor it is very hard to teach proper lessons.
Despite all that my great friend Lena Blain gave me a pep talk about pursuing my dream. That following week, I sat down and designed an ad on Kijiji for Western and English Riding lessons in DeWinton. I was very upfront in the ad explaining that my lessons were outdoors, in a paddock on a smaller horse only suitable for children and women. I wasn't feeling to good about myself and wasn't expecting many responses. However, much to my surprise not only have I had so many responses I've had to turn people away, But I have 4 new students!! It has been so amazing expanding the business and sharing my passion for horses with others. I've even been keeping my eyes open for another horse so I can start group lessons!!

That's basically all the good news I have to report for the last couple of weeks, hopefully when everything settles back down I will have more to post!

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