Thursday, 15 January 2015

Moving Fun!

(Noticed this little post sitting in my ready to go pile, Back date to the second week of December!!)

Nothing about that title makes sense! 

This week has been particularly rough, Been battling a cold, working and have already gone to Lethbridge & back twice while Mark has been here taking his finals. 

This is a nice little meal I had while I was down in Lethbridge on Monday, I was a little embarrassed about being by myself.. Especially when the hostess asked me if I was there meeting group of girls and I had to tell her that I wanted a table for one!

We are taking the big guy with us, but we haven't found a place to keep him yet which means he is going to have to hang here for a while. Saturday I made a trip out and had a really nice ride. I've told him 3 times now that we are moving and I don't think he is taking me very seriously ;)

Andy is a suck

Our life is crazy, but we are young, now is the time to pick up and relocate! (that's what I keep telling myself anyway!)

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