Thursday, 13 November 2014

Little Moments

My friend Carron has got me addicted to knitting. Here are a couple things I've made so far

Riding at the Dustin & Shannon Grams Clinic in Forestburg Alberta


Marks GIANT Halloween pumpkin. We were so excited to hand out candy as this is our first halloween in our house, and we had under 10 kids! Needless to say there was lots of leftover candy

My new mixer!!! KitchenAid Professional 6000 HD 

Some of the yummy things I have been making with it... 

Spaghetti squash with chicken, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, homemade Alfredo sauce and goat cheese to top it off

Butter chicken- I couldn't find a recipe that I liked, So I made up my own!

Some of the fun things Google does with my photos 

Proof that I do my hair sometimes

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