Monday, 17 November 2014

My Journey to Organization Day 2

Today was Kitchen day!! 

Mark & I have managed to keep the house clean for a few weeks, it almost got to looking like a bomb went off, but we reined it back in and man does it ever feel good! 

After spending the morning getting it back to 100%, I decided to dig a little deeper and get myself more organized and have the kitchen make sense. 

I love our house, I really do. However the kitchen space is less than ideal, it has minimal cupboard/ pantry space. Due to the lack of space everything is a little more crowded than I would like. 

Here are the before and after photos! 

The pantry above the stove

The freezer. I put most of the stuff that was in here into the deep freeze and left only a few things

The fridge

The spice cupboard/ pantry to the left of the stove

The pantry. You cannot see it in the before picture but my slow cooker, toaster, food processor, and a few other random things were on the top of the pantry.

So there you have it! Things are going pretty well. I know it sounds like common sense and my parents tried to teach it to me growing up but cleaning up after yourself really is the key, and making sure that you do it right away, not tomorrow. 

It really does feel great to have a clean house! 

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